Last Winter I made this letter of the day activity to incorporate into our greeting time routine. We differentiate our greeting time so this was used with a small group of students who were ready for letter practice/awareness.
We took the letter from our messages that day and completed the page in our Letter of the Day Book.
Students had to look among letter choices to find the correct capital and correct lowercase. They would then Velcro it on the page.
Next, we found pictures that started with that letter. Students could use the clues provided in the image to see the first letter, or use letter sound knowledge to identify the correct picture. Depending on the student, present them with a different number of options to choose from. I first started with 2 pictures and they had to find the correct one. Then increase the amount from there when that becomes easy.
Next we each practiced writing a capital and a lowercase. Each student got a turn with the expo marker to practice writing. In the one pictured above, I added dots for my students to trace because that was appropriate for all of them. The file you are purchasing has handwriting lines with the first letter and space for the students to write on their own.
Then voila, the page is done. As a group we review back through what the letter is, where the capital is, where the lowercase is, and what pictures we found that start with that letter.
I chose to put mine in a binder so that it's quick and easy to grab during our greeting time. You could laminate the pages and have students use expo markers, or insert them in page dividers like I did. Again, they can use the expo markers to write on top.
This could easily be given to a student to complete independently as well. (That's what was being done in the pictures)
I used the cover pages of the product as the cover pages for my binders too. These are sold in a 2 part pack due to licensing reasons with Boardmaker images. Part 1 has everything for letters A-M and Part 2 has everything for letters N-Z.

I used the cover pages of the product as the cover pages for my binders too. These are sold in a 2 part pack due to licensing reasons with Boardmaker images. Part 1 has everything for letters A-M and Part 2 has everything for letters N-Z.

Both items are available on TpT and TN for $3.50 each.
Do you use Boardmaker images with your students? I LOVE them.
Great post! I haven't done alphabet groups in a few years, but I will this year. Love the packs!!
I love these! I will need to get them. I like how they can be differentiated.
Fun in ECSE
First Grade Blue SKies
I definitely need this for my kids. How do you set this up? It looks like all of the pages in protector sheets in a binder, but how do you store all the pieces? I'm trying to come up with ways and areas I can implement this into our routine.
Hey Addison,
Yes, I keep it in a binder and in page protectors. I have 2 binders, 1 for each pack and they are back to back pages in the page protectors. Right now I just keep the pieces all velcro'd onto the correct pages. Because we do one letter at a time, I'll just pull off the pieces for 2-3 letters depending on how many choices were are working on finding the correct answer from. If that's not what you want to do, I would suggest a binder pencil case. One you can put all the pieces in for each binder, then just hook it into the binder rings in the front of each binder. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thank you for asking! :)
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