Sunday, July 17, 2016

The {Ultimate} ABC Cookie Tray Pack!

I am super excited to share this with you. Not only because I love it, but because I'm excited I finished it. I always struggle with alphabet sets. By the time I get to letter P I'm usually pretty burnt out and can't figure out how to keep going. The last three letters were painful actually, but I did it!

I've had this idea in the back of my head for a while now and I finally buckled down and got it out on the computer screen! This pack includes 4 different activities for each letter of the alphabet. The activities are meant to start easier and get more difficult, allowing you to differentiate for your students as needed. You could always print multiples of each activity page too if you needed. My storage suggestion for this pack (since it's larger than the others) should accommodate page multiples if you choose so.

The first activity is pretty simple. Using some type of magnetic dot/item, students place them inside each of the circles to create the capital letter. (Only capitals are included for this activity at this time)

The next activity is sorting capital and lowercase letters. There are cards with capital on them and cards with lowercase letters on them, all in different fonts--meant to make students think, not be tricky!

The third activity is finding the letters. Both capital and lowercase are included. Students look at all the letters in the circles on the picture and place a magnetic dot/item on top of the correct capital or lowercase for that activity page.

And the last activity for each letter is a beginning sound sort. There are 3 cards that start with that letter (except 'X' only has 2), and then there are 3 cards that do not start with that letter. The cards include both pictures and words.

Now here is how I'm storing this one. I purchased this accordion file from Walmart and it is perfect because it's already tabbed for each alphabet letter.

Behind each letter tab are the activity pages for that letter and the pieces for each activity page, placed in their own baggy.

The one thing I struggled with for this one was placing the cover page on the front. Usually I laminate it to the front of a large envelope for storing everything. With the size of this pack I knew that wasn't going to work. I laminated the cover page first then closed my accordion file to mark on the cover page where I needed to cut it. Then both sides were attached to the cover so that when the folder is closed they come together as a whole. I punched a hole in the middle to pull the rubber band through so that it would still be functional to close the folder.

You might have a different way of storing them but I wanted to at least share with you what I came up with. You could even do a binder and put the activities for each letter into page protectors. Whatever works for you!

If you'd like to purchase this pack you can click {here} or click the cover image above. If you'd like to give this one some practice before you purchase it, then click {here} or click the cover image below to download a freebie! This freebie includes all the activity pages for the letter 'Dd'.


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