Sunday, April 10, 2011

Attempting "cake batter blondies"

So this morning I stumbled across this FANTASTIC recipe. Not only do I love candy and bright colors, but I LOVE cake batter and sprinkles. I was instantly in love. Gracie, at girl meets life came up with this idea and I knew I had to try it, and then I knew I had to blog about it. I took photos along the way, and hoped for the best!

1 box yellow cake mix
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
1/2 cup of milk
rainbow sprinkles & white chocolate chips
** girl meets life suggests using 1/2 cup white chocolate chips and 1/4 cup rainbow sprinkles, but lets get real. just dump in as much as you'd like! 

The batter consistency is REALLY thick. I got in an arm workout for sure with the mixing.

Then I added in the white chocolate chips and rainbow sprinkles.

I spread the batter out across a 9x9 pan. girl meets life suggests 8x8, but I had to make due with what I had.

Voila! The finished product. They are delish! I'm so glad I decided to make these instead of writing lesson plans. Now, where is my plan book?



  1. I read this on "girl meets life" also! It looks amazing. I'm surely trying it out tonight :)

  2. They are delish! I may or may not have had one for..breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack! I will prob have another before bed!

  3. Did you ever get around to making them? How did they turn out?


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