Wednesday, April 20, 2011

meet mabel.

My mom is about to be a "guest crafter" on my blog and she doesn't even know it. (Hey, you ought to know where my creative gene came from, right?)

Mabel is a manatee. Mabel is also a mailbox, therefore making her a manatee mailbox. Mabel has a reputation to uphold of being the best dressed mailbox on the block, and probably in the town. This is where my mom comes in. She updates Mabel's wardrobe and keeps her looking sharp. Mabel is known to have matching outfits for the seasons and holidays. Meet Mabel from last July.

Grass skirts and big floppy hats are her usual attire for the summer months. She's had some wardrobe changes since last July, but now it's almost Easter weekend so of course she needs to be in character. While I'm sure my mom wishes she had the ridiculous Easter hat she made me wear when I was about 5, she wasn't about to let Mabel down.

Meet Easter Bunny Mabel.

If a manatee is ever looking for a good disguise, I think an Easter bunny would do the trick.

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