Sunday, April 10, 2011

My first post.

Well aren't you lucky. You've found my blog! About 6 months ago when my boyfriend introduced me to the wonderful time wasting website,, I began finding a lot of blogs that instantly sucked me in. Mostly women who were, in my book, one load of laundry away from the title of "Super Mom," but either way, I was hooked. I wanted to have a blog where I posted about my crazy kids and hectic day and all the fabulous crafty stuff I made in my "down time." One problem. I don't have a kids....or a husband, or motivation to consistently make fabulous crafty stuff. (Ok. that was 3 things.)

After spending a majority of my Sunday mornings sipping coffee and reading blogs of the above described people, we fast forward to today. I finally stumbled upon (literally) a blog that finally made me take the plunge. I may not have kids, but I spend 5 of my 7 days with 22 4 year olds, and that's close enough right? And I may not consistently make fabulous crafty stuff, but I get creative here and there and have recently fallen in love with my mother's Cricut Expression machine.

I hope to have fun with this blog, posting crafty things I make, and hopefully I'll get around to attempting the 100's of recipes I've "liked" on stumble upon. I hope you decide to take the plunge with me and follow along!

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