Monday, April 18, 2011

nail polish monday

I've come to notice that I tend to always repaint my finger nails on sundays. Since sunday posts are filled with baking and other things, I decided to save my nail polish post for today.

Who really cares what color my finger nails are? No one, I guess, but I like to have fun with it, so I think the post fits the theme of being crafty.

Ever since I decided it was no longer necessary to pick at my finger nails (don't get me wrong, I have my days where I would LOVE to sit and pick at every single one of them) I have been having fun painting them different colors. My mom makes fun of my color choices, but really, who is looking at my finger nails 80% of time? 4 year olds. Why not make fun color choices!

This week my choice is....

The first time I sported this color was last summer and my best friend told me it looked like asparagus. I kind of can't disagree with her. It does look like I stuck my fingers in a bowl of split pea soup, but I still like it. In fact, I think adding the sparkles on top make the green color look a little more lime, and little less split pea.

I've been having a craving for the color yellow. I don't have any yellow nail polish, BUT maybe by next Sunday I will. We will just have to wait and see!

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