Saturday, April 30, 2011

that was a mistake.

I should have known it was going to be a huge mistake when I clicked a link to look at awesome free blog templates. It set the bar high and then I was stuck on changing my blog! For the last 48 hours I've been searching endlessly online for free blog templates that have just what I want. I've found great sites along the way, but still haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. I've been convinced that if I just keep looking, I will eventually find the perfect one.

Well now I'm exhausted from the search! I found a super cute background that I like and that I think fits my theme. (The one I currently have with the apples). If I could just find a super cute header/banner to match I think I would be content. (At least for a day at this point)!

This morning I was getting ready to run my errands and then I realized I didn't have any Michael's coupons for today and their new sales start tomorrow. So tomorrow I will be going to look for some beads for my shell necklace. (I always shop Michael's with coupons)!

Because I was so involved in searching for blog templates, I did not get around to practicing drilling holes in my shells today, but I will be sure to post photos when I try it out!

I did however venture to Target. Who doesn't love a Target? I used to live 5 minutes from one, and now I live 40 minutes from one so whenever I'm nearby, I have to stop! I found these perfect cloth place mats to use in my bedroom. I plan on using them on my nightstands. I wish they had a matching table runner for my dresser, but I'm still on the look out for one that will work!

Keep your fingers crossed for me to have something to share tomorrow about my shell necklace. If anything, hopefully the beads I find!!

EDIT:: After this post, I made my own blog header/banner!! Yippee!!!

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