Monday, May 30, 2011

jamison city, pa

I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day weekend! I had a doctors appointment Friday morning so I went ahead and took the whole day off of work for a personal day. That gave me a 4 day weekend and I was so glad I did so! I feel very relaxed!

I spent the weekend with my boyfriend and his family at "camp" in Jamison City, PA. A house in the mountains where there is no cell service, no AC, no TVs, and way too many horse trail rides. [I'm petrified of horses for those who don't know]

I didn't mind not having cell service. Another trip member, however, spent 75% of the weekend with his phone in the air. It gave us all a good chuckle.

This was my first trip to Jamison and I would definitely go time a little better prepared! Per usual I over packed, wearing maybe 1/4th of what I brought with me. I could have benefited from some hiking boots, and maybe brought along a project or two to pass some time. My chocolate covered pretzels sticks were also a huge hit! Next time I might want to make 4 boxes instead of just 2! I also got a GREAT granola recipe from his Aunt. I promise to share it when I make my own batch!

Here are a few pictures from the trip to share with you. I hope you enjoy! What fun ways did you spend your Memorial Day weekend?

Prepping to go into the Mill Dam, which was ice cold.

Hiking along the Sullivan Falls waterfall.

It's larger than it looks. Boyfriend was dumb enough to jump off of this years ago.

The house we stayed in, which also has an awesome wrap around deck to the other side.

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