Friday, May 06, 2011

teacher appreciation week.

First, I apologize from being M.I.A. from my blog this week. It's been an INCREDIBLY busy first week back to school! It's finally the weekend and I figure I'll be able to squeeze in a couple of blog posts before another busy week next week!

This week was teacher appreciation week. We had a catered lunch today from a local restaurant. They even brought pretzel salad! We got some small little things in our mailboxes throughout the week which I found thoughtful. It's nice to get something in your mailbox aside from your breakfast sheet and returned excused absence notes!

I have come across SO MANY adorable gift ideas for teachers for teacher appreciation week online. I don't have any kids of my own, but one day, I hope to put together some of these great ideas for my kids' teachers! In honor of teacher appreciation week, I thought I would share some of my favorite ideas I came across.

1. These adorable door hanger water bottles! How clever! The door hanger fits perfectly on the water bottle and you can add a sweet little treat like a candy bar!

2. This cute little gift pack with 3 essentials: coffee, markers, and paper!

3. I think my favorite thing about this one is simply the saying attached to the bag. How adorable is that!

4. I saved the best for last! What teacher wouldn't absolutely LOVE opening up this goodie! Not only is it adorable and the colors used really catch your eye, but it's filled with things I would be sure to get great use out of in the classroom. I love how they are all organized in this one little box. Excellent idea!

I certainly love all of these ideas, but even a simple "thank you" can go a long way for a teacher! I can't wait to try my chocolate raspberry coffee that I received today!

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