Thursday, June 23, 2011

one day.

One day I will stop changing my blog layout. Until then, thanks for hanging in there with me.

If you design blogs, PLEASE see this as my cry for help! I am so indecisive & see so many cute blog designs that are constantly inspiring me to change mine.

How did you determine what as the best design for your blog? Did you have to change a million times before getting it just right?


  1. I like the dots~ I think it looks great =)
    My class website needs an overhaul...but in time I will get to it! lol
    First Grade Blue SKiES

  2. Thank Jennifer! I just checked your post for today. Can't wait to enter your contest! I'm already doing all entries except re-posting. (I bet you can guess what my next blog post will be!!)


Design by Laugh Eat Learn // Theme by PipDig