Saturday, July 16, 2011

Classroom Songs Linky Party

Hadar, over at Miss Kindergarten is having a linky party for classroom songs. We all use songs in our classroom whether they are on CD's, we sing them (even if we can't carry a tune), or we make up little songs throughout the day.

My favorite part about singing with the little guys is not only how much they love it, enjoy it, and respond to it, but how they have no clue whether or not I have the tune right! :)

This linky party forced me to put some of my go-to songs onto cute paper and print them out. Now I will have them for my classroom AND copies to put in my sub binder!

I can't take credit for any of these songs myself. They are all ones I learned through my placements and student teaching while in college!

First song: "Hello, Children"
 We sing this song at the beginning of greeting time to say Hello to everyone! As the child's name is said they wave and/or say Hi!
Hello Children

Second song: "Days of the Week"
This is a new song I am going to use this year. Last year we used the traditional Days of the Week song, but I think the students will love this. Sing it to the tune of the "Adam's Family"
Days of the Week

Third song: "Open Shut Them"
We sing this during snack time. Once everyone has washed their hands, we sing and students keep their hands in their lap until everyone has been served.
Open Shut Them

Fourth Song: "Books Away"
As my students finish their snack they go over to pick a book to read. When it's time to put our books away, I sing this quick little jingle and the students often join in!
Books Away

I'm loving all of the new songs I am finding with everyone's entries to the linky party! Head on over to post your own! Leave me a comment if you join in so I can check out your songs!


  1. thank you SO much, these are great! i am new to kinder this next year and i WILL be using these!

  2. P.S. the link to the lettering delights button isn't working

  3. Thanks Hadar!! I think I've gotten it fixed!

  4. Love these songs!! My kids LOVE Open Shut Them! A great way to calm them down.

  5. So cute! Thanks for sharing!
    PS I like the way your signature looks! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  6. Thanks everyone! And Kristin, I used the "DJ Fancy" font to make it! You can download it here:


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