Thursday, July 14, 2011

Doodle Bugs Teaching Giveaway!

My name is Erin and I have an addiction. To all things cute stationary! Seriously, I really do think I have a weakness for this stuff, I have a gazillion different note cards, thank you cards, note pads, to do lists, clip boards, file sorters, you name it!

So you can only imagine how I felt when I came across this WONDERFUL giveaway over at Doodle Bugs Teaching!

I also love this super cute picture she put together to advertise her giveaway! What a great idea! There are 10, yes, 10! different ways to enter this blog contest!

  1. Follow Doodle Bugs Teaching Blog. [check]
  2. Put my Doodle Bugs Teaching button on your blog. [check]
  3. Follow Doodle Bugs Paper Blog. [check]
  4. Put my Doodle Bugs Paper button on your blog. [check]
  5. Follow me on Twitter. [check]
  6. Follow me on Facebook. [check]
  7. Follow me on Pinterest. [check]
  8. Blog about this giveaway. [check]
  9. Tweet about this giveaway (mention @doodlebugspaper)
  10. Facebook this giveway.
Hey, 8 out of 10 isn't bad! And like most giveaways, leave one comment for each! It may sound silly, but I'm starting to feel like I need a calendar to keep track of all of these giveaways!

If this post hasn't already sent you over to her blog to enter, get there now!!

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