Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Giveaway at Target Treasures!!

As teachers, we ALL love a good deal, a bargain, a sale, or just a plain cool item we HAVE to have for the classroom. Everyone has been sharing AWESOME finds from the Target dollar spot recently and honestly, it's making me a bit jealous. I live at the beach and our closest Target is easily 30-40 minutes away. Horrible, I know.

Then, next thing I know, Hadar from Miss Kindergarten created a blog devoted to TARGET SALES. Of course I HAD to become a follower, and now I get even MORE jealous about great Target deals!

But there is good news! To celebrate all of the followers and support of her new blog, Hadar is having a giveaway for a $20 giftcard to Target!! There are 3 ways to enter, so QUICK check out her new blog Target Treasures!

I always make it a point to go to Target anytime I'm nearby & I am known to make that 30-40 minute trip just so I can go to Target! It would totally be worth it to have a giftcard to take!


  1. Thanks for posting this!! I will pray hard that they open a Target store closer to you! haha! I can't imagine how I would survive without a Target 5 minutes away from me...and by a Target I mean 4...

    Hadar :)

  2. bahah! 4 of them!! Now I'm SUPER jealous! I used to have one less than 5 minutes away! It's nice to live at the beach, but it would be even better to have a Target here too!!

  3. Just found your blog, it is adorable! I'm a new follower!

  4. Thanks Kim! I'm following your blogs too!


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