Thursday, July 07, 2011

Maybe the best idea for a giveaway YET!

She's at it again, that Jennifer at First Grade Blue Skies! I don't think I can keep up with the amount of giveaways she finds and posts about! Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens is hosting a giveaway for reaching 100 followers! AND she has the best idea for a giveaway!


If you've never heard of Thirty One Gifts, you have got to check them out! Their stuff is so adorable, cute, and functional! (Most of their patterns are brighter than the one I found in this picture!) I think this is such a good idea for a giveaway! The winner even gets to pick out the bag design they prefer AND have their tote personalized! Mrs. Owen's has 3 ways you can enter this contest.

1. Be or become a follower of her blog. [check]
2. Blog about her giveaway. [check]
3. Post her blog button on your blog. [check]

Click her button  below, or link at the top of the post to head over to her blog to enter!

I'm certainly ready for the giveaway! Can't wait to see who the winner is!!


  1. ooh good luck! I just ordered some products from a friend's party and should be getting it any day now! can't wait!


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