Monday, July 25, 2011

PBS Video

SO I went up to school today for a PBS meeting and we decided that for our kick off this year we wanted to create a video for the teachers to show in their classrooms. (Rather than expecting 330 kindergartners to sit in a gymnasium within in the first few weeks of school)

Woo hoo how fun! Well....I have to write the script/skit for our video! I have ideas, but I've never done something like this before. We are going to focus our video on 3 different areas; the classroom, cafeteria, and bus. We hope to display kids using their ABC's and not using their ABC's. So now I'm asking for your help!

Does your school have a PBS video that promotes your PBS program? If so, what are some of the pro's or con's about it?

Do you have any great ideas for a PBS video?

Do you know any great resources for a PBS video?

Have you ever helped to put anything like this together?!

You are all excellent resources so I knew this would be a great place to start!



  1. My school is making PBS videos right now! We had students model the correct behavior and teachers modeled the inappropriate behavior. We did this for each area on our matrix. My son (a 6th grader) is the narrator for all of our videos. It should be posted on our school website soon! I can't wait to see it! I will post a link when it is up and running!

  2. I would love to see it! Please do share the link when it's ready!


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