Sunday, August 21, 2011

Teacher Week 2011

It's Teacher Week 2011! I'm excited to start linking up this week! Teacher Week is being hosted over at Blog Hoppin'! Click the link to go check out more! This will be perfect for the last week while I'm setting up my classroom. I won't be posting more classroom pics until Wednesday for Teacher Week! I hope you plan on joining in! :)

This photo originally from Blog Hoppin'

- Meet the Teacher MondayIntroductions, please!  Tell us all about you!

- Teacher Talk Tuesday – A day dedicated to providing advice for new teachers :)

- Where it All Goes Down Wednesday – Pictures, please! Show us your classroom! 

- Three for Thursday Link to your favorite font, favorite blog, and favorite online resource.

- Free for All FridayEveryone loves a freebie!  Link up with a printable that you’ve created and would like to share out with the teaching community.
**All above information from Blog Hoppin'!**

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