Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

This week our theme is buses. I'm still getting used to having to plan differently this year. Last year I only had 2 groups of students (an AM & PM) and this year I have 3. By the time I get to doing an activity the THIRD time, I feel like I'm living dejavu.

We will be reading 2 books with our small group activities this week:

1. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (reading this one 2x)

Monday and Tuesday we read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and did an activity after reading. Each student was given either an animal or a person. We identified what they had, and then tried to see if they could drive the bus. One lucky person had our bus driver! The kids LOVED this book!

Can a fish drive a bus?


Can an alligator drive a bus?


Can a bus driver drive a bus?
(I think our bus driver is actually a police officer, but shh!!)


Wednesday and Thursday we will be making the pigeon at the art table with our hand prints, yellow beaks, and google eyes! I'll be sure to snap some photos! :) And at the end of the week I have THE BEST activity for the second time we read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. I'm so excited for this one! I can't tell you yet, it's a surprise!


  1. Super Cute! Were doing transportation right now too and the kids are eating it up! Hope you fall into a rhythm with three different classes, I know you will :)

  2. Thanks Katherine! I think I'm going to have to start dividing up my planning EVEN MORE here pretty soon. A lot of my 4 year old students will be 5 by Christmas--I feel like I'm going to have a group of Kinders!

  3. Girl, tell me about it :) My morning class will be 5 very soon and I have had to completely revamp their activities. My afternoon class is freshly four so it's defiantly hard having to plan for two different classes but it will all work out. :)


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