Friday, September 02, 2011

A Teeny Tiny Giveaway!

One of my favorite teacher bloggers is having a give away...for a $25 gift card to Target! Let's be honest, I don't think there's a single one of us in blog land who doesn't love Target!
Can you guess who it is from my title post?! Why, yes! Of course it's A Teeny Tiny Teacher!

Head on over to her giveaway by clicking the link above! Giveaway ends at Midnight PST on Sunday September 4th! Good Luck to everyone! Can't wait to see who the winner is!

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend! Do you have any fun weekend plans?!


  1. Thanks for entering and blogging about it! You rock! I am busy this weekend but it's all fun stuff! I stayed at school super late so I only brought home one project to complete! :) What are your plans??
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. My sister and her family are in town for the weekend! So that's nice. We'll probably go out on the boat and a place near by us does fireworks for Labor Day!


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