Monday, September 05, 2011

This is It. We're Ready.

So, Wednesday was the first day for Kindergarten at our school, but our pre-school kiddos start tomorrow! Yep I will officially be kicking off my second year teaching tomorrow morning with my first group of kiddos! I took some final and last pictures Tuesday night before open house so you could see a finalized, complete, clean, and organized classroom!

I'm sure to some of you it might not look much different than the last set of pics I posted, but I think it does! :)

 Classroom Entry

 Dramatic Play

Listening Area & Book Area (once I open the loft)
Behavior Management Bulletin Board & Block Area
Calendar/Circle Area & Toy Area Shelf

Writing Area & Word Wall
Small Group Table

Table Time, Art Area, & Sensory Table in bottom right

Teacher Desks (I know you were curious!)

Thinking Chair/Area


Wish me luck tomorrow! I'm excited, but I know I'm going to be EXHAUSTED! I also start a grad class Wednesday night! Eek!!


  1. 1) I love your alphabet letters
    2) I like the posters you have behind the think chair. I noticed velcro is there cards that go with these? Where did you find the resource? I would love to use it with my students in our peace place

  2. Your room looks fabulous. I also love the alphabet letters and the reflection cards. Have a great first day. Mine is also tomorrow.

  3. Thanks! Yes, there are picture cards that go with the reflection area. They are in a basket on a shelf above it. To start I will probably be using just the yellow and green sentences. I wish I could provide you with your own copy, but unfortunately these were handed out to us at school. Every classroom has to have this displayed in some form. There were multiple forms presented to us at the end of last year and we could choose which one we wanted. We already used a lot of this in our pre-school classrooms last year and it was actually another pre-school teacher that put them together. I can try and find out if I can get an electronic copy. If not, I can share what the cards that velcro on are & you could replicate your own set!

  4. Looks amazing - your kiddos are so lucky to have you!! I was also interested in the thinking chair area cards . . . and anything you can provide would be great. Even if it's just the words "sad face, happy face, etc." and then I can make my own. Thank you, as always!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. gave you blogged on the adorable letters on your wall? thank you!


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