Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Today was a Test

Today was my first grad class. And a test of my survival through a very full 12 hour work day. Shew, it was a long one. And the horrible pounding headache around 11:30am that resulted in me having to turn the lights off in my classroom did not help.

Yes, I took 2 grad classes this summer that overlapped for 2 weeks with the school year, BUT it's much different to have class at the end of the year & the beginning of year. If you've done this, where do you find the energy?!

AND as of today, I already have 4. yes. FOUR. IEP meetings before Sept. 28th. AWESOME.

I'm just lacking the energy for an elaborate post today. I hope to get up some pictures on the classroom blog of our first day of school by the weekend!


  1. sending lots of motivation and time to get everything done. IEPs are a beast! good luck

  2. Thank you! IEPs are no fun. I'm starting the year out with 19 of them and will definitely get a few more before the end! I have monday & wednesday afternoons for paper work and meetings though so that's very nice!!

  3. You are an awesome teacher! You'll get it all done and do it well!

  4. yuck, this was me last year. Grad classes after a full day of teaching, headaches all the time and billions upon billions of IEPs. But I survived! So you will too! Happy thoughts :)


  5. Thanks for all the inspiring words! I'm sure I will get through it all, it's just going to be an exhausting process!

  6. I hope you get some rest this weekend! I am sure you will get it all done because you're a great teacher!


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