Sunday, October 09, 2011

On the Hunt..

So last night, while checking out Classroom Freebies, I came across this post. Colleen from Teaching Heart came up with an activity using these Halloween themed Easy Mac Noodles.

Picture courtesy of Colleen's post.
As soon as I saw these I knew I had to have them! I just recently was inspired to dye black and orange pasta noodles for our sensory table and put in some small pumpkins, instead of sand and pumpkins like I had originally planned. Seeing these noodles sealed the deal for me! Here is what inspired me to do the black and orange noodles:

Click the link to see more GREAT Halloween ideas!

Insert dilemma here. For those of you who are new followers, I don't live near a Target & that's where Colleen found these. I checked 4 different grocery store brands today and all I found were Spongebob and Cars noodles. I'll keep looking, but I'd love to NOT make a 40 minute drive to Target (and still not even know if they have them)!

I'm not above bargaining/trading of goods to get my hands on these noodles by the end of the week! HELP! Have you seen them anywhere besides Target?!

P.S. Head on over to my classroom blog to check out some of the Apple activities we did this week!


  1. I looked at Target for them and had no luck there. I checked both the noodle section and the Halloween section. :(

  2. I can say that from my grocery store searches for them, Easy Mac is NOT in the pasta section of most stores. I think in 3 out of 4 stores I found them in the "prepared dinners" isle. Which is not the frozen foods section, but I guess where all your boxed prepared dinners are like Hamburger Helper.

  3. I can check my Target and WalMart and send them to you if you like! I don't mind!


  4. Thanks Jeannie! Actually my para, is near the closet target twice a week for her son's swim lessons and she checked for me and found some!! I'm so excited!! But thanks so much for the offer!!


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