Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Year, New You, New Freebies!

 Have you set some New Years resolutions for yourself this year? I typically tell myself a thing or two that I want to do differently, but I never write them down or do anything to hold myself accountable for following through on them. This year I want that to be different! I want to set goals and I want to reach them.

My friends at Freebielicious and I want to share some of our goals and resolutions for 2014 with you! To help you get a jump start on the new year we've also added some freebies that may help you reach your own similiar goals. 

How many of you tell yourself that you're going to drink more water? How many of you actually do it? Yeah, you and me both. This year WILL be different! I am dead set on reaching that goal.

In order to help myself reach my goal I have created this water drinking log that you can download for free.

I'm a list maker. I have to write everything down. If I want to eat better, I keep a food journal. Now if I want to drink more water--I'm writing it down!

If you're not a list maker there is also this great idea on Pinterest from Modern Mommyhood to mark your water bottle with a sharpie for how much water to drink by a certain time throughout the day. 

Hop on over to Kreative in Kinder for another resolution and matching freebie!

Kreative in Kinder


  1. I NEED to do this!!! My goal is to start with finishing ONE water bottle a day...I can do it!!! ;)

  2. I need to drink more water. This is great!

    Kinder Alphabet

  3. Great idea! I need to drink more water daily too but hate drinking during the school day 'cus then I'm running out of the classroom all the time!! lol

    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  4. This is one of my goals to Erin. thanks for sharing your ideas.
    A Differentiated Kindergarten

  5. Totally need to drink more water!! Thank you, Erin!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  6. When I was pregnant, I drank 10 glasses a day and felt great!! I also lived in the bathroom! I need to get back in the habit. Of course, I also drink my Spark in my water, so that helps!

    Sharing Kindergarten

  7. Great goal! We all need more water! The log is perfect. Thank you!

  8. I love it, because I definitely don't drink enough!! Thank you!!

    The Daily Alphabet

  9. drinking more water is definitely on my New Year's To-Do list! Thank you!!
    Kindergarten Lifestyle

  10. I need to add lines to my bottle! I think that would help. I have to drink more!


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