Friday, May 02, 2014

A {FREEBIE} is the Least I can do!

Seriously. I haven't blogged in over a month. In fact, I hope there are still some followers here to even download this freebie! Once I finished my masters degree, this is not what was supposed to happen with my blogging. It was supposed to INCREASE not, decrease even more!

"IEP Season" as I like to call it, started for me in April. I have my annual review meetings for my students mostly all in April and May so things get a little extra busy. I stay at work a little extra later. I'm a little extra exhausted. In fact, I broke a personal IEP record. Student IEP and Behavior Intervention Plan combined, was 40 pages. SHEW! Seriously, teachers should do an experiment. ONLY work their paid hours, just to make a prove how under paid we are and how much over time we put in. So many people seem to think we have "easy hours" or "easy jobs." I'd love to prove to them just how little would get done if we only worked the hours we were paid for. I could keep going, but really, that's a whole other blog post in itself!

The main reason I'm writing this today is to share with you this freebie I whipped up for our writing area next week! I couldn't find anything already made so I put one together myself. We are continuing with a "rain theme" next week.

It's a color by number page with two printing options. You can print in all black and white, or you can pink a version that has the color words in color. For my kiddos who made need the help or the model, I usually take a crayon and color over each color word/number at the top for what number they should color.

{click here} to download

If you'd like to download the freebie, just click the link below the picture.

I also put together a pinterest board with rain activities and books. I started working on that last week, but have continued to add to it as I plan for this week. You can check out the full board by clicking on the photo.


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