Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Working on It Wednesday {Linky!}

Have you heard of this linky yet? The Kinder Gals are hosting a linky every Wednesday this summer to share something you are working on to help make the start of your school year run smoothly.

Today was my last day of school for the year! woo hoo! 4 years under the belt (and SO MANY more to go!)...but back to the topic...

Before I begin working on any summer school projects, I NEED to tackle my office project. I was so excited to decorate and have a wonderful office when we moved into a townhouse back in January. I spent so much time looking for the perfect color scheme/decor. I have a twin bed in my office too so I had to find the perfect bedding.

Bedding came in, room was clean and organized, but it was lacking. Yes, I still needed to find stuff for the walls, but that wasn't quite it. Something was still not clicking. I hated it. I hated the room. I began to just dump stuff in there and spend less and less time there. It was dark- no natural light despite having a window (but a small one).

Then at dinner one night my fiance and I were talking and decided that I should just move my office to the room upstairs that we were planning on being a guest room, and then have the guest room be downstairs. UH. Why did it take 6 months to think of that idea?? That room gets so much sunlight! It will be perfect!

I got impatient and moved ALL the furniture upstairs myself. I thought I'd just start with the lighter stuff and before I knew it I was hauling a twin mattress up the stairs by myself.

I snapped this photo after I had all of the furniture moved up to the room. It took me a few tries to workout a layout that I liked. (This was not the winning layout btw) But this wasn't until I changed a few things...

I had purchased 2 pictures that I thought would match the bedding. Then the next day I found a painted canvas that I LOVED. And it would match the 2 pictures I had just bought. Well, it matched the pictures but just didn't look right with the bedding. I couldn't bring myself to part with the painting so I tried out new bedding--more simple, solid color scheme. This is the previous bedding.

FINALLY. Finally, finally, finally. I *think* I like my office. Now I feel like it was bedding that was really bothering me and I didn't even know it. I do love it and the colors in it, but maybe it wasn't the look I was trying to achieve and I didn't even realize it.

I'm hoping to do a "reveal" post for my office "makeover" once everything is adjusted and tweaked. I still need to do a few more things, so I can't share it with you yet. But believe me, I'm excited about it now!

So that's what I'm working on. Finishing up my office. THEN we will work on school stuff! If you've got a project you're working on, make sure you link up with the Kinder Gals!

P.S. I'm looking to sell that bedding if you are interested ;) It's a twin duvet cover and 2 shams. I purchased them from Urban Outfitters and they've never been used (as in slept with) just on the bed for decor. E-mail me if you're interested!


  1. I can't wait to see the finished room!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. My office also serves as a pseudo guest room upstairs with a twin day bed in it, and I spent all last summer getting it "Just right". I can't wait to see how yours turns out!! Loved reading your post :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  3. I want that table! My office is a complete disaster; I need to start working on redoing it this summer, too. I can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  4. Let me see!!!! I want to see the finished room. Why is it I can decorate an entire classroom but to try and do just one room in my house stresses me out!?!?!?!? :) Thanks for Linking up!

  5. I can see that there is so much dust in your house surely it will be very hard for you to clean it properly. But if you can visit maid service toronto they can make your work very simple and easy. As they have so many experienced maids who can always give us the good support at the time of cleaning work.


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