Monday, December 01, 2014


So I filled this in last night. After I finished and posted my Holly Jolly Cookie Trays. You know, when I should have been in bed, but slept in too late Sunday morning so I wasn't tired. AND I was adamant about watching The Walking Dead.

Now that I got this posted, time to go fill up my TpT cart with the items from my wishlist! AND maybe finish and item or two to add to my store before the sale ends tomorrow!

Head over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade to join the link up too, or see who else has linked up!



  1. OK YUCKY to the Walking Dead… my husband stays up late on Sunday to watch it when everyone is in bed… well last night I stayed up late… shopping and making comments… and I HAD to watch the Walking Dead!!! YUCK!!! and he was shocked too!!!
    thanks for linking up!!!

  2. Erin, your blog is adorable! I hope you really well with the sale! I have never watched The Walking Dead but so many people talk about it. I became hooked on "Orange is the New Black" and "Scandal." Happy Holidays to you!

  3. Hi Erin! I just found you at Farley's linky. Your blog is adorable. I can TOTALLY relate about sleep... perhaps it is something with the name...! ;)

    I'm your newest follower!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  4. My husband is watching The Walking Dead right now! He watches every week, but I have never really paid attention to it!! haha! Have a great rest of the week!


  5. LOVE the new blog look! Very pretty. And I can't believe that just happened on Walking Dead right now either!!!!!! Craziness :)
    Tales of Teaching in Heels


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