Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Poll & Pumpkin Activities

Well the results of the poll are in and the people have spoken. Individual activities it is. I was actually surprised by how many people preferred individual activities over a whole set. I have uploaded 3 individual activities so far...still working on that dramatic play set for a pumpkin patch. (Sorry to those who have been impatiently waiting ALL WEEK for that!)

You can visit my TpT store or Teacher's Notebook Store to find the following activities for sale:

Pumpkin counting cards.
Students use a small pumpkin manipulative (pictured erasers found at Target) to count out the number for each card.

These cards aren't sold with the background. I laminated them onto scrapbook paper to save on color ink!

Pumpkin alphabet activity: Aa, Bb, & Pp.
Students use the small pumpkins (pictured in the baggy) to match up to the big pumpkin. Small pumpkins include capitals and lowercase.

Please ignore me draining the ink out of my color cartridge.

Pumpkin number matching.
Students apply one to one correspondence to find how many pumpkins are on each card. Then apply number identification skills to find the correct number.

And I promise that dramatic play set is on it's way. I need it for my own classroom by Monday, so that's the deadline! :)

One more quick question: How would you feel if I offered activities individually for those who were interested, and then ALSO as a whole set? Thoughts?


  1. I would like tp purchase them individually

  2. I want it all! I like the packet approach. With other packets I have purchased I have been disappointed & not used it all, but your stuff is great!! I feel like I blog stock you but I just love your work!!

  3. Very cute, love your ideas!

  4. Please blog stalk away!! I love hearing that you love and use EVERYTHING!! I like knowing that people enjoy my resources!

  5. Did you ever figure out how to fix your item on TpT?? I totally just did! Lemme know if you still need help :)


  6. Hadar-- I ended up just deleting it and relisting it. Same thing happened again last night while I was uploading the pumpkin stuff. Did you figure out what causes it?

  7. yes!! it is listed as "inactive". When you edit it, on the bottom toward where you would upload pictures you have to change it to "yes" next to active. Happened to me today and it was driving me nuts!!!

  8. Wow! So glad I know how to fix that now!! It really is annoying! I was so frustrated the the first time!!

  9. I needed a picture of those pumpkin erasers so I used yours and linked to your TpT store. Hope you don't mind! :)

    Miss Kindergarten


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