Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dinosaur Roar!

After we return from thanksgiving break my students and I will be having lots of fun with DINOSAURS! Yes, I know how odd to do dinosaurs after thanksgiving, but we are. And then we will be doing MONSTERS! I'm so excited for monsters...but that's another blog post! :)

I have created a Dinosaur Roar pack filled with 24 pages of different dinosaur fun activities to do in your classroom. You can purchase the pack in my TpT store!

**I updated this pack in 2013**

Here are all of the items included in the Dinosaur Roar unit:

Positional Term Activity: Print out one large volcano and multiple dinosaurs. Give each student a dinosaur. Call on students one at a time to place their dinosaur somewhere on or around the volcano. For example, “put your dinosaur on the volcano” or “put your dinosaur next to the volcano” (pg. 3- 4)

Positional Term Worksheet: Students cut out the dinosaurs at the bottom. Look at each numbered volcano and glue that dinosaur in the appropriate spot. The text is provided as a clue to where the dinosaur belongs. (pg. 5)

Leaf Counting: Students look at the palm tree on the page to see how many leaves the dinosaur ate. Students count out that number of leaf cards. Place one leaf card in each box. Boxes help with applying one to one correspondence. (pg. 6- 11)

Number Practice: Students count the dinosaurs on the card and identify the number written in dots. Using an expo marker, if you have laminated your cards first, student practice writing the numbers on the card. (pg. 12- 17)

Number Word Practice Worksheet: Students look at the number and the number word. Connect the dots to practice writing the number and number word. (pg. 18)

Dinosaur Action Cards: Students take turns picking different cards and doing the actions on each one. (pg. 19- 20)

Dinosaur Fine Motor Game:  Photocopy the dinosaur onto different colored construction paper. Use colored paper clips and have student match the paper clips onto the correct colored dinosaur to practice their fine motor. (pg. 21)

Dino Ditty: A fun dinosaur chant to do with your students. (pg. 22)

If You’re a Dinosaur: Another fun dinosaur song. (pg. 23)

Additional activities and crafts. (pg. 24)

You can also grab this dinosaur alphabet matching activity for just $1.25. I recently updated the format of this item in March 2015. Click {here} to download.

This activity includes capital letters on a dinosaur and lowercase letters on dinosaur eggs for students to match up.

As I mentioned, we will be doing Monster's next! I do plan on creating a monsters unit, so be on the lookout for more great activities! In the meantime, let me know what you think about my Dinosaur Roar unit! :)


  1. Thanks! The clip art is from Just so Scrappy Too! Their stuff is so cute, but you get these HUGE packs that are for digital scrapbooking, so a lot of extra little clip arts like flowers, ribbons and bows too. No flowers or bows in the dinosaur unit though! :)

  2. You did an amazing job Erin!!! I have this clip art too, you've inspired me to use it!! Cute new picture btw! :)


    p.s. are you, me and Kristin BFF's now?? ;)

  3. Hahah thanks Hadar! The picture was my halloween shirt I wore for the kiddos :) It has glitter and I loved it haha.

    And yes, I kinda feel like we are! Maybe we need to team up for a prek, k, and 1st grade giveaway?!

  4. I really love the alphabet matching game, but can't manage to find it. Where can you download it for free? Or am I wrong for thinking you can download it for free?

  5. I'm assuming thsi is one of the many blogs out there badly needing an update. Much like the Anonymous poster, I went to the shop to get the alphabet matching game, only to find it wasn't available. Really disappointed.

  6. Erin,
    I can't seem to upload this. I really would love to get a copy of this and use in Kindergarten! I have a dino theme.
    Can you help me out???


  7. I would love a copy of the Dino Egg Match game. Perfect for my kindergarten class. Is it part of your Dinosaur Roar pack now?

  8. I cannot locate the Dino Alphabet Matching on the TPT site..

  9. I'd love to get this but I can't find it on the site, not even to purchase.

  10. I have tried finding this. It says free printable but I cannot find it anywhere. I have ran into this problem before. I spend a lot of money on supplies for my classroom and I love finding free printables. Would love to have this one.


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