Saturday, November 03, 2012

Currently I Am...

I know you want to know what I'm doing RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT, yeah, I'm a nosy person too! I love reading everyone's currently post!

I wasn't really sure what to put for the music one. In pre-school we pick a song from our song book daily, and occasionally just listen to more songs for fun! I don't have a specific CD I play during a certain time of our day. 

If you haven't already linked up to the November Currently at Oh Boy 4th Grade make sure you go find out what it is all about! :)


  1. Your blog is adorable! Do you design your own? I just found a new theme and did my own button, but I haven't made it far enough to figure out how to design my own blog.

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  2. Love the design. The colors really pop! I'm stopping by from the currently link up. Don't forget, you get one extra hour tonight =)

    Kinder Kraziness

  3. Hi! I found you through the Currently page. I love looking at everyone's Currently as well! :) I'm off to check out more of your blog. I'm also your newest follower.

    The Reinspired Teacher

  4. I love your blog design...don't change! I always want one too, but I'm not techy like you and can't create one so I just stick with it! My TPT business is slow too. I put that same thing in my needing spot! Check out my currently. Do you do Ants in your pants?? Kids love it!

    Kindergarten Korner

  5. AH! We do get an extra hour, how could I forget! ;)

    That ants in your pants song looks so fun!! Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Your blog design is perfect. I love your long hair!
    My Second Sense

  7. I always love to see what you're going to do with your blog!! :) I wish I was as talented as you!

  8. I love the layout of your blog! I started out my teaching career with special needs preschool. I loved it! Now I'm in Elementary resource. Just started following my blog!

  9. That is amazing that you make your own blog designs. How awesome to be able to change it whenever you feel like it. I think your blog is too cute!
    The Hive


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