Saturday, November 24, 2012

What's in My Bag--Prepping for the Cyber Monday Sale

If you are a teacher blogger, or follow any teaching blogs I'm sure you are well aware of TpT's Cyber Monday & Tuesday sale. What an awesome time to buy units for the upcoming Holiday Season, and even months to come. There are huge savings at stake! 

I will of course be throwing a sale in my own store, but I thought I would share with you some of the items I have waiting in my cart to purchase & some wonderful items from fellow bloggers that you should look into!

--What I love about these craftivity packs are how fun and adorable the craftivities are! With my pre-schoolers we can practice following 1 or 2 step related commands to complete our craftivities. i.e. "put glue on rudolphs nose and flip it over" --an I.E.P skill for some of my students. Then, in addition to the craftivities, if I ever find myself teaching K or older, I will have excellent writing prompts to put with the crafts!

--I'm always viewing items of other grades (k & 1st) and thinking if there is anything included that I can adapt for my pre-k kiddos. This unit includes some adorable craftivities-- check out the penguin, he's my favorite! (Can you tell I love craftivities yet?!) 

I think I am pretty close to having bought almost all of her store. Her resources for working with students with Autism are amazing. There's no need for me to spend time creating some of these resources when she already has them made. This item will be perfect to use in my classroom with earn systems! 

There is a lot of differentiation in this unit so I know that I will be able to find things to do with my kiddos in this pack! 

**Keep your fingers crossed for me that I am able to complete a holiday unit before Monday! I also have a paper to finish and a presentation to put together, so they might just have to take first priority! ;)


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