Saturday, April 27, 2013

Five for Friday- {on a Saturday, but don't tell on me!}

As soon as all of the things I had committed to doing on Friday were done, I crashed. I slept for 12 hours. I was so busy this past week between work full time and taking 2 grad classes that I was getting like 4 hours of sleep a night.

[note to self: never take 2 grad classes during spring semester as a special education teacher. ever.]

Okay, I will end my pitty party here, and share my Five for Friday with you!

[1.] I have been dying for these critter bracelets at Target. I don't live near a Target and they were sold out online. On Monday I had to go to a PD that was close to a Target. I just {had} to stop in after the PD was over and look what I found!! They have more than just these 3, but these were my favorites. I took a lot of will power to walk into target and only go to the jewelry section then back out. Okay, well I did go to the dollar spot too. 

[2.] This was how my morning started.On either Tuesday or Wednesday, I can't remember honestly. The first thing I did was go to set my coffee down. The lid came off and coffee was all over my desk. RIGHT before the kids came in. I had to take everything off of the desk. At least it's nice and clean now..

[3.] Look what we got! All teachers got a Dell Latitude 10. Which is awesome because all we have right now is just a desktop. We can take these home AND we now have wireless in our building. I'm excited, I just don't know how the darn thing works! Anyone have one of these?! How do I close my apps?! (yes, it's that bad.)

[4.] I bought one these cup blender things. No, I didn't get the Magic Bullet. It was $50 and this one was $20. I figured I would get my $20 bucks worth of it before it died. It's perfect for making my protein shakes after a workout! No messy blender to clean, just the same cup you drink out of! 

[5.] Origami Owl. Have you heard of these? I had heard of them for the first time like 2 weeks before I was invited to a party. I really couldn't decide if I liked it. I like the idea, but wasn't sold. After seeing them in person I decided I had to have one. I can't wait for it to come in. I struggled not being able to see exactly what it would look like since they didn't have the charms I wanted there, but I think I'll love it. 

Head over to Doodle Bugs to link up for Five for Friday, or to check out everyone's posts!



  1. I have been wanting those animal bracelets from Target!!! We are going tonight...maybe I will cave! Also, that little smoothie maker looks great! I got a Ninja for Christmas and it's amazing. I just hate cleaning it every day...

    Happy Weekend!

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  2. I have not seen these critter bracelets at Target! Those are fabulous! I'm a new follower. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Ok....I have seriously got to stop reading your's costing me too much Love those bracelets....will have to have one or 2 if they still have them:) BTW...I LOVE my autism awareness Spirit bracelet! Never take it off:) It you get a sec, I would love to hear about what kind of shakes you make....I have finally been able to start running again and need to dump some serious weight..the healthy way:) Have a great weekend:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. hahah Tara! That made me laugh!! I love my autism awareness bracelet too! Vineyard Vines came out with a tote bag to support autism speaks...I don't know if you are familiar with the brand. Their totes are great quality, but not cheap. Thankfully I wasn't as crazy about the pattern they chose:) I will email you about the shakes!!

  5. Oh no! Sorry about the coffee - definitely not a good way to start the day! I've been looking into the origami owl necklaces too. They're so cool!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  6. I'm in my first year of teaching 3 and 4 year old Special Education, and I can't imagine taking two grad classes in the spring. Spring has been crazy enough with grad classes to deal with. Good luck with the rest of the semester!
    What kind of protein powder do you use? Searching for something for after my workouts.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  7. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I got the vanilla Isopure today. Its pretty good on its own with water. But I know it will be a great mix in with almond milk and a banana. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Have a great week.


  8. Can I ask where you got your blender? Looking for something with a similar price tag! Thanks

  9. Ms. Monica, I got it at walmart!!


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