Saturday, October 19, 2013

Two Weeks of Colorful Fun & An Assessment Pack!

I'd like to mention that we did colors the weeks of 9/23 and 9/30. I started this post on 10/7. It's been busy around here....

I feel as though my head has just gone under water and there are merely bubbles popping up as a sign of life. I was pretty proud of myself that I managed to take some pictures from our colors unit. We spent two weeks practicing and reviewing our colors. I started our week out by individually assessing each student on what colors they knew. I first ask them expressively, if they are unable to do name them all that way, then I do a receptive assessment. Again, if they are unable to do so receptively, then we move to matching. 

Communication is the largest area of need in my classroom so I like to give them that opportunity to receptively identify things. I will use this same process for shapes, numbers, and letters. If a child is unable to match items, then I know that is where we need to start before I expect them to expressively or receptively identify.

Here is the assessment sheet I record my data on. You can download a free copy by clicking the picture.

You can purchase the assessment sheet along with pages for the assessment- colors, numbers, shapes, capitals and lowercase for $1.25 by clicking the picture below.

You could easily use these assessment pages to create matching assessments for your students who need that. Just print 2 copies and cut one copy to make small cards. Laminate and use Velcro if you wish!

*Tip: I use a different color pen for any data collected on a different date & write that date at the top in the same color ink. Then I know which check marks go with which assessment date and I don't need to use multiple pages.

We then moved into some activities to practice our colors!

- Completing our interactive colors book. Students have to find the correct color of the item on the page in the book. I love doing this activity. It can be differentiated for students by placing out a different number of color choices, or presenting the pages out of rainbow order as well.

This activity can be found in my Let's Learn Colors Unit 

-This student is matching color words to correct number of crayons. For students who are targeting higher skills, students also count the number of crayons and write that number on the line preceding the color word.

My students aren't working on that skill yet so we just used it for color matching instead. For my students who know all of their colors this activity was appropriate. For my students who just acquired the skill or do not know all of their colors, we did not complete this activity.

This can also be found in my Let's Learn Colors Unit

The last 2 weeks we have done activities with apples. I was way too busy to snap any photos :( But I'm really looking forward to the next 2 weeks with pumpkins and hope to get more photos to share!

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