Saturday, February 01, 2014

Write the Room {Pre-School Style!} & A TOUCHDOWN Sale!

Calling all pre-school teachers!

I just love the write the room game. I love that it gets the students up and moving around (which they certainly need) and that they have so much fun learning. As a special education pre-school teacher I can't say that I have any students working on sight words at the moment, but we are working on letter recognition.

I have students who can copy words/letters for writing.

I have students who can trace.

I have students who HATE to write.

I have students who love letters, but developmentally, aren't writing or tracing independently.

This set of ABC Write the Room can address all of those students. I have blank pages for those who are writing. I have pages with tracing letters for those who can trace (& hate writing), and I have matching pages for those who love letters, but aren't yet writers.

I laminated my pages before putting them on clip boards. This is how I target those who hate to write. Give them an Expo marker and they magically change how they feel about it. I have one student that it's tooth and nail with just to get her to trace all of the letters in her name. I laminated our sign-in pages and added some Expo markers and she did it complaint free! (We'll work on transferring that attitude to paper and pencil in the future)

Then I hid the alphabet cards around the classroom. As they find the letters, they write them down, or they trace them. I created this activity with one student in mind, but knew as soon as she started playing the game I'd have a few others that wanted to play too.

For the ABC "Match the Room" I made these different shaped cards to hang up. They have the large letter at the top that then I can tape up places, but have the small velcro letter at the bottom that the child will pull off and match up. You could use just these cards to meet the needs of all of the students playing the game, since the letter is at the top for the students recording them.

This item is available in my TpT store if it's something you'd like to use in your classroom!

Or, if you have wrapped up your winter themed units/activities, you can purchase the February ABC Write the Room! This one is also capital letters.

AND if this is something you'd like to add to your (probably already full) shopping cart, then you'll love to hear that I am having a SALE! 20% off of my store FEBRUARY 2nd!

..and all of the other ladies from Freebielicious are having a sale too! Better start shopping!



  1. Very cute! This would be fabulous for beginning kinders as well. :)

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  2. SO cute! I wanna go back to Kinder!! Wahh! lol
    First Grade Blue SKies


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