Monday, June 30, 2014

July {2014} Currently!

Seriously you guys, it's almost midnight. I AM WIDE AWAKE. Oh and did I mention I have to be up early for summer school?! But I'm not tired! Argh. I guess I'll just battle this out in the morning when I AM tired!

Farley posted the currently a little bit early for July and since I just so happen to still be awake, I figured Hey why not!

Interested in linking up?! Head on over to Farley's blog to get the template, the directions, and to join!



  1. Hi!
    That was me last night staring at the ceiling thinking, "I have to be at 6am for summer school." Your blog is adorable. Can't wait to read more! I linked up early too! So fun!
    Ramona Recommends

  2. I'm up too! Fortunately, I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow, but it will catch up with me eventually.

  3. I love fireworks! Hope the ones you see are amazing!

    Krazy Town

  4. I love to watch fireworks, but on the farm the blasts kind of bug the horses. So we generally stick around home. Have a great 4th.

    Crayonbox Learning

  5. Although I'm not waiting n swimsuits, I am waiting on a few things I ordered. Fireworks with friends is the best way to spend the Fourth of July.

  6. Have a great 4th Erin! :) When is summer school over?

    Fun in PreK-1 & Kinder

  7. I had trouble sleeping last night also. Fortunately, I'm not teaching summer school. Artistry of Education

  8. Don't you love the summer for staying up late.. Problem s like you said you have this to do in the morning!



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