I'm sure we all have it. That dreaded location on the desktop of your computer where all unfinished documents go to die live. For me it's the bottom right corner of my screen and things are getting pretty tight down there. And pretty old. Like 2+ years old. Let's take a peek into said corner, shall we?
There it is. Circled in all it's glory. That's 11 unfinished products right there. That's 11 activities that the motivation just fizzled out on. There's a few in there I'm ready to open back up and tackle. Beary Fun Activities? Created February 18th, 2013. TWO YEARS, FOUR MONTHS AGO.
That's actually the first one I've re-opened to finish up. I went into it thinking I had like half a pack created. Nope. Just 1 activity. Awesome, Erin. And of course now I need to change the direction I was going in with the cover, change the fonts, and all that jazz because I'm weird. Oh yeah, and create the rest of the activities. Bear counters, I'm coming for ya.
My Dramatic Play Pack I actually created about a year ago. I just used this in my classroom for year. Did I finish the file to share with you guys? Nope. I'll bump that one up the list because it shouldn't take much to finalize it and share.
Alphabet Search and Find kind of makes me cringe just reading it. Created in May of 2014, it's actually an AWESOME activity. Super excited to share about it when it's done. But it's TEDIOUS to put together and I've only made it to letter H. That's 18 letters left. More than half! I haven't touched it since June of 2014. Definitely one to try and finish up before Back to School because I know it will be a hit!
I might as well go ahead and bump that dreaded corner up to having 12 items in it because I'm about to start putting together my summer cookie tray pack too.
Everyone's packing for Vegas and I'm just over here like....

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