Monday, May 08, 2017

The Fraps Made Me Do It!

Did you catch the magic of a Unicorn Frappuccino? Can't say that I did, nor did I try to. I do however know that our local Starbucks (I do sit there a lot to do work) had enough ingredients to last 4 days, and they were completely sold out in 8 hours. This has also come to been known as an indicator level for the "basic-ness" of your town. I kid. But hopefully you chuckled.

In the spirit of unicorn Frappuccino and the abundance of unicorn images on my Facebook feed thanks to my wallet's relationship with LuLaRoe, this clip art really caught my eye and I thought, why not?

My classroom full of boys are about to become acquainted with all things unicorns for their last weeks in school! HA. 

I started with a good ole tens frame counting book AND a counting book with 20 frames for numbers 11-20. I LOVE using counting books in my classroom. It's excellent independent practice to reinforce mastered skills. I can have a student complete this independently while I work 1:1 with another student and then always go back and check their answers when they are finished. I've been in dire need of some of these books for numbers 11-20, so voila! They happened. They happened with unicorns, but they happened.

You can grab the 1-10 counting book {here}
You can grab the 11-20 counting book {here}

It's also been a super long time since I created a new cookie tray pack. Like, almost a year super long time! Soooo..I got crazy with a set of Unicorn Cookie Tray activities too! There are 24 activity pages, good for 1-2 weeks depending on how you use them with your students.

You can grab them {here}

And how could we forget shapes?! Trioriginals (the amazing clip art designer) made unicorn shapes too, so uh, why not make shape sorting cards?! It's also been a really long time since I've made a set of these too!

You can grab them {here}

Really the only other resource I use regularly in my classroom are file folder activities, but I leave the file folding making to Gabrielle from Teaching Special Thinkers. She rocks the file folder department and I do not- ha!

The best part about these unicorn activities? You can use them ANYTIME! Unicorns are magical and always appearing and disappearing so there's no telling when you might want to grab them to use in the classroom with your students! Now? Summer school? Start of school? Doesn't matter because *poof* they're here, then *poof* they're gone!

Happy unicorning!

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