Sunday, April 24, 2011

farmer's market

First, HAPPY EASTER!!  I guess now that I'm going on 23 years old I no longer get an Easter basket. It's ok, I can accept that. I still got a pack of peeps...and they are my fave.

Yesterday, after posting that I had made it to Florida the night before, I headed out with my Aunt to walk down to the farmers market.

It wasn't very large, a few produce stands, some seafood, cheeses, and dips. Most important was the coffee stand. Their coffee smelt delicious! My Aunt and I had to try it! We ordered their ice coffee, which came with the BEST idea I've seen in a while. COFFEE ICE CUBES! How perfect to put ice cubes made of coffee in your iced coffee so it doesn't get watered down when they melt. So smart.

On our walk back to the house I had to take a picture of this tree.

It's in a yard to a house which my cousin appropriately named "the haunted house". There are all kinds of projects and weird things in the yard. Very interesting to look at, but still very creepy.

You'll have to excuse my poor quality photos. I only had my iphone with me on our walk.

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