Tuesday, April 26, 2011

creature of habit

For those of you who know me, you probably know I am a fairly routined person. And while I LOVE being on spring break right now and having a week off from work, I'm struggling without my routine.

Thanks to my internal clock STILL feeling the need to wake me up at by 7:30am 5 days into my vacation, I'm getting up early and fighting to stay awake late. I'm also out of my routine of blogging. It's all I had in me to put together a post this late. (Yes, 10pm has become late to me).

I've been away from a computer for a couple days because I went to visit my boyfriend while here in Florida. He's in law school and took a couple days off from studying so we could spend some time together. We visited down town Naples, did some shopping, and had some great meals! Because getting out my camera and card reader to upload photos requires wayyy too much energy right now, I will leave you with a "nail polish monday" photo. (Yes, I know it's Tuesday).

This week my choice is...


I followed through with my need to paint my fingernails yellow and went out for some yellow polish. The color is called mellow yellow, but really, by the time you do two or three coats, you get banana yellow. Or marshmallow peep yellow. Or big bird yellow. Really, a bright semi-obnoxious yellow. I enjoyed the color...my mom on the other hand, did not. But I shared in my last nail polish post how much she dislikes me painting my nails any shade other than red or pink, so really, no one was surprised.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get around to pulling some vacation pics off of my camera to share!

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