Wednesday, April 27, 2011

florida sun

Today was my first day at the beach here in Florida during my vacation. For most people that would be shocking, but for me, it's all I need. I burn faster than a french fry in the oven. I survived the Florida beaches in April with the help of SPF 15, 50, and 90.

But the view was gorgeous and we even saw a manatee.

P.S. that's not the manatee in the photo, that's my dad.

One of my favorite things about Florida beaches is the abundance of shells! I don't always sit still for very long at the beach so it's nice if I can get up and go for a walk and look for shells. I always find tons of shells, put them in a bag and it ends there. Well I have officially decided that once I get home I am going to look into making jewelry out of them. 

I will have to keep you posted during that to let you know if I'm making any progress. I will definitely have to do some researching first. Have any of you ever made jewelry from shells at the beach?


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