Monday, May 23, 2011

my favorite food website.

I love this place! is an awesome website for your foodie/recipe fix! They have the best ideas and I always find that when I come across recipes on, they are from foodgawker.

So why the sudden talk about foodgawker? This weekend I am going to Jamison, Pennsylvania with my boyfriend and his immediate and extended family. He is originally from PA and while I have visited his hometown, I've never been to Jamison. His family has a house here, which I believe is a large cabin in the woods/mountains. (I could be wrong- I've never been there!) My boyfriend informed me that everyone typically brings different baked goods to the cabin and that I should have something to bring.

First thought- his mom is an excellent cook. What on earth am I going to bring that could even be considered edible in comparison?!

Second thought- do I want to bake something I have made in the past, or do I want to go with something that has been on my list to make?

Third thought- should I go with 2 items? 1 I have made before, and then 1 new?


Here's where foodgawker came in. I began browsing through to make a top five list of what I would consider making. 

These I had actually come across previously and knew I had to put on the list to consider. They seem pretty easy to make and sound DELICIOUS!

Who doesn't love Oreos? Well, I'm not a fan of the cookie part, just the icing. Which by the way, why doesn't Oreo start selling that stuff in jars? But, you can't go wrong with a cookies n' cream mix!

Who doesn't think of s'mores when you think of cabins in the mountains? Here's a variation on the theme, with the added twist of peanut butter. I'm not a big chocolate fan, but can do it if you mix peanut butter in too!

Do you know what else comes to mind when I think cabin, mountains, and hiking? Trail mix and protein. This makes my #4 option a little more on the healthier side with the use of trail mix.

I don't really need a link to post for this idea, but thought I would keep that trend going! I love making these and I think that I will probably make them as 1 option, and then make something else to go with them. This particular website has great photos of them, but here is a photo of ones I made in the past!

Here's where I need YOU to come in! Please pick a favorite and help me make this decision on what I should make! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that enough people actually do pick a favorite. :)

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