Sunday, May 22, 2011

shell necklace 2: Part I

I don't want you all to think that I made one shell necklace with my shells and then called it quits. I've had this idea in my head for my next one for some time now, it has just taken me a while to get started on it. My idea for this one is a little more involved than the first. Hence, the "Part I" in the title.

I found these really great coral charms at Michaels a while back and knew I had to use them in my next necklace. I have a lot of shells with grey, black, and red tones in them so there has to be something to match.

I decided to go with black, red, the coral charms, and then I will pick out matching shells to use. I want the look of multiple strands and I was hoping at first that I could buy something of this sort. I quickly realized that a) they didn't offer what I was looking for at Michaels and b) it would probably be cheaper to do this myself.

I've begun to string multiple strands of tiny little beads.

The task is not quite as daunting as it might seem and I actually fill up strands quicker than I expected. I think they sell a machine that strings these tiny little things for you, but at $24.99, I wasn't quite ready to make that purchase. I've only completed 4 strands so far and would like to make at least 4 more.

Here are the two coral charms a little closer up.

Who knows when Part II of this necklace will come along, but hopefully soon. Once I start something like this I usually get pretty eager to finish it. Just keep your fingers crossed that the thought of stringing teeny tiny little beads after spending 7 hours with 4-year olds doesn't overwhelm me!

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