Friday, June 24, 2011

Book Organizing- Free Labels

Last summer when I walked into my first classroom I knew I had a lot of work to do. The teacher before me had retired and left behind a ton of supplies that I am very thankful for! However, I like my things organized differently and while she was ok with books being in boxes, I needed them out in the open in the plastic bins, labeled by theme. I organized all of my books and I was able to fit 2-3 themes in some bins, which was great because I was running out of closet space!

I added books to my  collection throughout the school year and next year I have a larger closet, SO, time to expand some of my book bins! I made new labels for the changes I plan on making to my bins. While I was at it, I thought this would be good to share with you and upload to my TpT store so I made a set of labels with one theme each to upload!

There are 4 pages of different labels and they are listed for free in my TpT store along with 4 other items, that are all Free!!! I had two items that were not selling, so I made those Free too! If you've checked my store out before, pay it another  visit!

What kind of book organization do you use in your classroom?


  1. You have the cutest blog that I have seen! I have been blog stalking lately and have seen a lot of theme but this has got to be the cutest one that I have seen. I love your craft ideas. Thank you for sharing. I would love for you to visit my blog and follow me. I am now your newest follower!

  2. Thank you so much! It's so nice to hear that!! I will certainly pay your blog a visit and follow you in return!!


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