Monday, June 27, 2011

Back to School Unit

I have to say, having a blog is becoming such a motivator to get things done! I have been pretty inspired lately by all of the great materials I have been finding from all of you great teacher bloggers out there!!

I decided that I wanted to take an attempt at creating a "mini-unit" if you will, with various activities. These take work and time! Shew! I worked on the unit for a while because I was so eager to finish it, post-it and get feedback! (HINT HINT you have to leave me some feedback!)

 Here's the unit  cover page and a sample of the unit words I put in.

Next is a sample of the cards for a memory game on the left, and on the right are counting cards. I thought these could be used for a lot of different activities!

Lastly, an example of different patterns on the left and lace cards on the right. I called it a pattern board so you could print out several copies and laminate them and students could have more than one pattern at a time. The unit also includes pieces to cut out and finish the patterns with. The last 5 pages of the unit are large photos to make lacing cards from. Simply print, laminate, hole punch, and lace!

If you are interested, please  visit my TpT store to see a free preview of the entire unit, and purchase if you like it or love it! I also have 5 other various items for FREE in my store!

**EDIT: My free preview file was too large, but the photos listed provide a sample of each of the different activities included in the unit. If you need more info, please let me know!

What are some of your favorite activities or games to use in a unit?


  1. I have been having MAJOR issues with TPT since last night!! AHHHHH!!!
    First Grade Blue SKiES

  2. Yes! That's when I tried to post this. I swear I've tried 20+ times to upload this! I'm still having trouble with it this morning! Glad I'm not the only one!

  3. I saw your post....I dont think I have your email...but I finally figured out what I had been doing wrong- All the things I had been putting in my TPT store (up to my kissing hands unit) had been small enough so that the first two things you upload went through- I just used the same file. But it turns out my new unit was 15MB...which means the first upload thing worked...cause it can take 50MB..but the second thing can only take 5MB...SO I HAD to create a smaller version with just like three pages of my unit to upload into it as the preview. Not sure if that is your issue- lmk if it is or isn't... laughinbrunette at hotmail dot com
    hope I helped =)

  4. That was it!! You were absolutely right! It would be nice if a notification popped up saying your files were too large! Thank you so so so much!!


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