Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Holiday Spirit: July 4th

So this morning I payed a visit over to moo moo's & tutus and found some excellent July 4th ideas! There were 2 ideas I loved & am set on doing/trying before festivities for the 4th roll around.

This gives me flashbacks to when I attempted made red velvet cheesecake brownies. I wasn't able to bring myself to admit it to the blog world at the time, but when I made these, I took them out of the oven, cut out one and took photos, blogged, and voila. Not so much. After cooling I went to cut out the rest, disaster central. I put the blame on our oven because I couldn't find anything that went wrong with the recipe & I've had problems with the oven in the past. This red, white and blue brownie cheesecake has inspired me to try it again. This recipe suggested baking the brownies til their almost done, then baking again with the cheesecake on top. This might be the ticket. I'm thinking about combining the red velvet brownies with this red, white, and blue idea!

Yes, these are shirts made for little guys, but I really liked the ruffle idea used on the little girl's t-shirt. While the little boys is more up to my speed with the use of heat and bond instead of measuring and sewing with the little girls, I really liked the idea of thinking outside the box from basic stripes. So many ideas started coming to mind. I don't know if I'll make a t-shirt for myself or not. Maybe I'll use the inspiration to make a drink coozie instead..

Guess I'm off to Michaels & the grocery store to get the creativity going!

Do you have great recipes or craft ideas for the 4th of July?

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