Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day!!

I did it! I made it! It's finally here! The students are officially done school! I'm not, I still have 1 week left of inservice and....MOVING MY CLASSROOM!?

My afternoon students were finished yesterday and my morning students were finished this morning. Yesterday it was so hot I had to create back up indoor plans for our fun activities. (That should be a sign that the kids shouldn't still be in school!) We did lots of fun games and activities, and at the very end I did face painting with the kids. It was my very first time face painting, and I only bought $5 quality face paints. They didn't turn out too bad!

I had a sheet of paper I had drawn about 15 pictures on for the students to pick from. The spider and the butterfly were the most popular! (Fine with me, the spider was SUPER easy!)

Thanks to my wonderful para, the students also got to enjoy snow cones for snack!

Now that the students are all done, I have to focus on packing up my classroom and moving it. It took me forever to just figure out my classroom this year, let alone, having to pack up all of my stuff, all of the stuff that was left behind the year before, and then re-organizing all of it into a new classroom!

I'm a first year teacher. HOW DO I HAVE THIS MUCH STUFF?! And I honestly think this is maybe half of it. I still have shelves filled with toys, a closet filled with stuff, some cabinets with construction paper, big books, posters, bulletin board displays, and don't even get me started on my book shelf of resource stuff. (Which I have accumulated more thanks to other teachers clearing out their rooms as well!)

I know this will get done, it's just a lot of work! And unfortunately I can't really unpack too much once it gets to the new classroom because they are painting over the summer!

Do you have any pointers when it comes to this stuff?

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