Sunday, June 05, 2011

you are o"fish"ally a kindergartener

I had previously come across this idea on eighteen25 and then I came across an adapted version of the idea on fabulous in first. I absolutely loved it, BOTH times I saw it! How cute is this idea?!

I had intentions of doing circle tags as well, but then I realized I left my circle punch at work on Friday and that wasn't going to help me get this project completed over the weekend. I went with printing the text and cutting it into rectangles.


Using the cricut machine I cut out 4 inch oval tags with scalloped edges to then glue the rectangles on to. I knew it was missing something at this point so I grabbed my glitter glue [who doesn't love some sparkle] and outlined the rectangles.


After all my tags were dry I simply used fold over sandwich baggies to fill with sweedish fish and attach the tags with matching ribbon. There are SO many ways to alter this idea. I thought it would be cute to decorate the baggies like a fish net (you can purchase decorative ones at the Dollar Tree), but that would have taken more time than I have available this weekend! :) 

I can't wait to send my students home with these adorable goodies on their last day (Thursday & Friday!) Did you do any end of the year gifts for your students? I'd love to hear your ideas!

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