Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lemon Puppy Chow

So, as mentioned in my last post, I also made Lemon Puppy Chow in my prep for Hurricane Irene. This was the biggest hit, as, it's already gone!

For the same reasons on my last post, I didn't take step by step photos while making this. The original recipe is from Smashed Peas & Carrots. This is the first recipe I've made from here and I loved it! It was super yummy! Definitely a fun twist on puppy chow.

I promise I'll be back to my step by step photos on my next baking post, which might be fairly soon because I recently pinned these awesome cookies that I can't wait to try...
Did you click to check them out? I know you did. Are you as excited as I am?!

P.S. I was able to go into my classroom yesterday after all! I was so glad! I was able to get some final touches done & ready for our Open House that we are having tonight! I can't believe we're ready to start the school year!! Wish me luck! (Maybe this year I'll be sure to NOT wear 2 completely different necklaces by mistake...)

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