Monday, August 29, 2011

Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, prior to the arrival of Hurricane Irene I was anticipating losing power for longer than 24 hours so I went on a baking spree so we'd have lots of goodies to eat!

Turns out our power never went out, and instead I ate waaaaaay too many goodies during my "hurricane boredom" of being stuck in the house!

I made some granola, banana chocolate chip cookies, and lemon puppy chow. (That post to follow) This post features the recipe for banana chocolate chip cookies!

I'll be honest, I didn't take step by step photos this time because my camera battery was charging and well, the source of the recipe has already created that wheel. You can find the original source here, at How Sweet It Is. (Another one of my favorite baking blogs!)

Jessica was definitely right when she said the cookies have a bread like texture! Due to that, I find them totally acceptable to consume for breakfast. Not sure if that's a good thing or not! I love them, but next time I think I need to have more VERY ripe bananas. I only had 1 VERY ripe, and 1 kinda ripe.

I would also like to try these with more of a cookie texture, than a bread texture just to see what the taste is like. I love finding recipes that I like, that I think I can tweak.

Let me know if you give these cookies a try!

P.S. I do not have work today because of the Hurricane. They cancelled 2 days of our professional development prior to the storms arrival. Our Open House was suppose to be tonight as well. I'm really curious to see how they work out rescheduling all of this!!

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