Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teacher Talk Tuesday

It's time to share some advice for new teachers. Well, I'm still pretty "fresh" myself with only one year of experience under my belt, but I've already picked up on a few things to share! And, remember for myself this year!

1. Some days, you just gotta, LEAVE.IT.AT.SCHOOL! I can't tell you the number of days I've come home so frustrated from my work day, but there are some days you just gotta leave it all at the door & NOT bring it home with you.

2. Start routines and behavior management from day 1 and stay firm with your expectations. If 3 & 4yr olds can do it, your guys can do! :)

3. Make your classroom FUN and HAVE FUN! If you enjoy being in your classroom & enjoy the activities you plan, your students will enjoy them more too!

4. Advocate for what's best for your students! You know them. Speak up.

5. Give yourself a break lunch break. Not just a break, but a lunch break too. I often find myself eating my lunch AFTER school, rather than when I was suppose to eat because I'm always running around doing something else! 

I hope you find these things helpful for your school year! I know I'm always reminding myself of them! :) Now I'm off to go work on my classroom some more. I'll have picture updates for tomorrow!


  1. Spoken like a true special education teacher. I hear ya! It's funny, in reading everyone's advise I can kind of tell what they teach and I can pick out the fellow special ed. teachers immediately.

  2. I couldn't agree with your more! Those were great tips!


  3. I totally agree with number 1! Let it go and leave it at school...you can't let it take over your life!!

    Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots


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