Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where it All Goes Down Wednesday

Alright, so, time to share your classroom photos! This is probably the day I'm most excited for because I LOVE looking at others classrooms!! Mine is definitely not ready yet, but I can update you from my last classroom progress post!

Let's start in the hallway!

I love how this turned out! Since I don't have a hallway bulletin board outside of my new classroom, this is where I will display student work for the hall!

Another view of the whole display because I couldn't fit it in standing in front.

"Swim in to Miss Blecki's class!" -all students' name right next to the door. Please ignore my messy unorganized book shelf that I didn't take the time to pull the curtain to cover for the photo!

Standing in the doorway. Finally got my alphabet hung up! That takes forever..

The reading loft, dramatic play, and computer area to the right. I decided not to use my octopus for jobs, so he's just fun decor now!

My behavior management board. I adapted the clip chart idea for a pre-school classroom. Our whole building has to use the clip chart idea this year and I felt it had way too many colors for pre-school. I still need to add the colors & descriptions to this board, but I went with green, yellow, then red. And for a really great day you can earn purple! :)

Word wall bulletin board and the writing area. You can sort of see the TON of laminating I have to cut out on the table at the bottom!

Here is where I ended up putting my jobs. I wanted to save some bulletin board space for student work, so I put the jobs on the top cabinets. I have fish to cut out and put student names on and attach to the cabinet.

Last, but not least, my curtains!! I love these things & I've had so many compliments on them! I hope to get a better picture of them later. (The sun was shinning RIGHT in when I took this) They have some silver sequins on them & go perfect with my fish theme!

I hope you like my classroom so far! I can't wait for everything to be DONE. Organized, and put away! I still have a lot of little touches to do & thankfully my *fabulous* para will be back tomorrow! She is such a huge help & so great in the classroom!


  1. Your room is adorable! I love how your alphabet looks, so different, but very cute!

  2. I love your alphabet! Are those wooden letters?

  3. I love, love, love your room! I'm so jealous! I've seen several rooms with lofts in them and I would love to have a space like that.

  4. Thank you all!! The letters are actually paper mache and I found them at Joanns last summer & painted them throughout the summer! I had fun with it and they add such a cute touch to the classroom! :)

  5. Super cute especially the letters. I love the loft!!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach


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