Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dr. Jean's Color Train

Ok, first off, I seriously hope that Dr. Jean's songs get stuck in my students' heads as much as they do in mine! I left school Friday singing this song! (and have been all weekend as I've worked on this's awful.)

But we all know how awesome Dr. Jean is! I recently purchased a CD and book set with her songs and the students and I listened to our first song this week, Color Train! It's perfect for our colors weeks!

We are going to be doing colors this week as well, so I decided I would extend our listening to Dr. Jean's song. We have been following with the book when we listen, but I decided to make interactive song cards to match up! I can hand these cards to the students (each student will have to have more than 1 card) and when they hear the card they have mentioned in the song they will hold it up! I plan on doing the cards with the color words.

Since we all love Dr. Jean, I thought I would share these awesome cards with you!  These are no longer available for download. If you need a set, please email at creatingandteaching(at)hotmail(dot)com


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I love this cd and book pack! Can't wait to print these out and use these with my class! You are awesome! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  2. Your welcome! I'm glad you can use them! I'm excited to use them with my kiddos too! I just made them over the weekend and we will be using them this week!

  3. Woohoo!! Thanks for sharing this! I have been on a search for those adorable frames you used on the cover image. Where did you find it??

    Miss Kindergarten

  4. Hadar I am pretty positive that I got them from Print Candee. If you've never checked our the clip art there, it's adorable!


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